Fresh Returnees in Indonesia are making change in by doing social activities in their communities. Under the theme “YES 15 A Change”, alumni in five cities are sharing about their exchange experience while giving back to their communities. This project is also being implemented as part of celebrating the 15th anniversary of YES program.
Taking part in International Education Week, alumni in Jakarta are volunteering with elementary school kids who are living in marginal area in western part of Jakarta. Entitled “English to Knock the Door”, they are giving English lessons while encouraging participants to reach their dreams. A week after, alumni in Medan and Ambon also volunteered with junior high school students to share about their intercultural experience. Alumni in Medan invited Chapter Volunteers as well as YES Abroad student to be involved in English lesson project for junior high school students in Binjai, North Sumatera, while alumni in Ambon worked with American Corner in their city to organize training for students from four junior high schools.
Alumni in Surabaya are doing social project at one of the Elementary School to help students gain insights on the value of nationalism, as well as the importance of maintaining reading habit. They also fundraised some money to help the school build a reading corner, in which they also provided some books for the students. Whereas alumni in Bandung are taking part in celebrating International Tolerance Day by inviting other high school students to discuss the importance of tolerance in the nowadays context. They are also working with Duta Muda ASEAN 2017, an ASEAN youth affiliation, in organizing the activity.
Yes Fresh Returnee Project is an annual project implemented after returning from the program. This project aims to facilitate program participants in spreading message related to the impact they gained from the program. Around 25 YES alumni are involved in the projects, working together with more than 50 volunteers and around 140 student participants.