AAI PEAK Certified Facilitator Journey for AAI Region in Indonesia
The PEAK in INA 2024 training was an intensive three-day workshop held in Bali, Indonesia, from November 8th to 10th,…
The PEAK in INA 2024 training was an intensive three-day workshop held in Bali, Indonesia, from November 8th to 10th,…
On November 4-7th 2024, AFS Indonesia hosted the AAI Volunteer Managers Meeting in Bali, Indonesia. This meeting brought together…
Five students from the Philippines began their journey in Indonesia as Trimester Program participants on September 13, 2024. Orientation sessions…
Over the past month, Bina Antarbudaya has held a series of events called “Belajar Budaya bareng Bina Antarbudaya.” This is…
On July 8, 2020, U.S Embassy Jakarta with Sindonews.com had arranged an online webinar for students who curious about how…
1. Chapter Yogyakarta – Sharing Session “Peluang Untung Trading Saham Syariah” Minggu, 12 Juli 2020 (15:30-17:30 WIB) Apakah kakak-kakak mulai…
Angka positif COVID-19 di Indonesia baru saja melampaui lonjakan tertinggi, semoga kakak-kakak sehat selalu dan sebisa mungkin tetap #DiRumahAja. Berikut beberapa…
1. AFS Indonesia/Bina Antarbudaya – Cultural Grip Over Virtual Trip (Pendaftaran menjadi tim penyaji) Senin, 29 Juni 2020 (18:00 WIB)…
Since March, when COVID-19 forced AFS to suspend study abroad programs, many AFSers have been wondering if and when our…